Thursday, November 30, 2017


Top Ten List of BLAMERs (CLICK)


---Blame is one of those things that happens MUCH too often. It usually rears its’ head when something we are responsible for isn’t as good as it’s as it is thought it is suppose to be. The ball has been dropped.  NEGATIVE FEEDBACK starts to fly and the EXCUSES come out. The FINGERs start pointing. We usually, then, go the whole 9 yards (if necessary) BLAMING whomever is necessary to make ourselves look good. We SAVE FACE. An old friend that I think is responsible for much that is wrong with the world. We get defensive and then we SAVE FACE. We throw whomever we deem necessary under the bus to exonerate ourselves from any responsibility (blame.)  I would like to say here that even with all of this going on…if there is any credit left on the table we do our best to scoop THAT UP.


 ---We usually admit that we may have done something wrong only as a last resort. At present we seem to get very stuck on who is to blame and his/her other obvious faults that have allowed the follow through and resolution to slip away. Somehow identifying where the blame lies AND who is to be hanged in effigy takes precedence over finding a remedy to the problem. By lowering the bar on most fronts gives us spare time to deservedly berate who he or she is that deserves the blame in our mind. The person being blamed ends up looking so faulty that it is amazing that his input was so necessary in the first place and that he was even allowed to be on the team.

 ---Instead of everyone blaming everyone, we just recognize how rampart it runs and that in general people aren’t very responsible. They are very good at saving face taking credit for things that make them look good. But, folks just can’t basically handle being blamed. People will throw MOM under the bus sometimes if things are getting too bad. We have to learn – People Don’t Always HAVE TO Look Perfect. One learns THROUGH trial and error. Man makes mistakes on the way to learning and more/less on a regular basis. The more difficult we make it to make a mistake the more difficult we make learning itself. I really think that we should reevaluate our attitude to mistake making, blame, saving face and lightening-up on the whole thing. It is a way that we keep the game and the players in a constant state of check. The only way out is to face embarrassment. Folks do toughen up through this procedure AND they learn valuable life lessons, but usually try to avoid this at all costs. If we have learned anything from the many sex scandals we are seeing, everything has a way of coming back. I think it behooves us to put things in order. It behooves us to own up and take responsibility for what we have done. We have all made mistakes in many different fields. There is nobody who is exempt from this. Remember that it is always worse thinking about facing something than the actual facing of it. The verdict is in and we are ALL GUILTY of something or other. We should stop whatever negative things we may be doing. As a response to all this…WE GROW! WE LEARN! Eventually…we are propelled to higher levels when all the pain/discomfort we caused…is resolved.  We begin again and STOP being pulled back down. Be accountable and take responsibility. Be Well.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017