Thursday, May 31, 2018



---Be KIND! Don't Make The Same MISTAKEs Others Have!

Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Primary Cause of Unhappiness - Eckhart Tolle

Worth Watching (even if you have to follow to YouTube.) 
Listen to first 5 mins. I guarantee that you'll be hooked.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018



---Many of us struggle with the question…am I good enough or are we good enough? It is one of those things that one has to be convinced and self-assured about. One has to know if he/she is GOOD ENOUGH. You will have to find out for yourself.

---Once the answer is truly known, then it changes everything. To know this one has to truly know that nobody is better than anyone else. Everyone has different traits in different proportions, behave differently with different attitudes, may seem more lovable or likable, are stronger and/or weaker, but nobody is better…nor is there a best way to be. The sooner we know this and act from a ‘’we are all in this together,’’ space and begin working as one, the sooner we will know this to be true.

---When we compete and compare with each other it remains superficial. We see people in accord to what we like and prefer. We may miss a lot of depth of character by staying this way. Don’t judge one another too harshly. Aid others in their honest search. Learn to find and how to live in the present moment. You will soon see that being GOOD ENOUGH applies to everyone. Be Well.

Three Articles (click):

Why you never feel good enough!

Do you not feel good enough?

How children see their parents non-acceptance!

Monday, May 7, 2018


Hi Peter,

---Everyone in this hospital and I would say that everyone I met hitchhiking and everyone in general are doing exactly what you and I  have been doing in our own way. What they are searching to have is a better relationship with themselves. Anyone who found something that they truly liked + enjoyed and were working at it, seemed to have a leg up on the rest. There are some, but NOT a whole lot of people that have found it (their passion) at a young age.

---I was in Charlotte, NC (1981) saying to God (this is something I sometimes did back then,) if you grow my fingers, I'll build a Church for you. I had a real revelation at this time. ''Healing doesn't come in growing fingers or anything like that. It comes in accepting yourself as you are, so-called faults and all.'' This really changed things around for me. Instead trying to be different than who I am, BE WHO I AM. And, when push comes to shove...this is the best that I can be. MYSELF! And, that is okay! My understanding of who and what God is matured in a big way, also.

---I found that that is basically why people appear so screwed up at times. It is because people really don't know that they are good enough. They don't know that it's alright to be themselves. They end up competing and comparing themselves to each other to find this out. They really don't accept themselves as they are. They end up seeing if they measure up to their neighbor. They think that they need fingers (or whatever happens to be their hang up) to complete who they are. I didn't and they don't! (It is the thinking that these things are necessary,) that is the problem! When one loves and accepts oneself, one never thinks of harming others.

---And, for those who act like they think they are better than other people (superior,) they are just compensating for feelings of inferiority inside. This is basically the boat we are all in. Be Well!