Saturday, December 19, 2020
Scrooge A Christmas Carol 1951 Colour Version Alastair Sim Full Movie
SCROOGE - CHARLES DICKENs (1951) full movie above!
---The three ghosts visit named Christmas past, present and future. They take him through periods of his life. It is revealed how Scrooge's miserliness took shape and strengthened overtime. BUT…lo and behold he saw the pain and suffering that he caused over the years, also. This was increasingly painful for him to endure watching.
---He has a change of heart. Scrooge learns a very valuable life-lesson through all this. He asks the wife of his nephew, ''can you forgive a doddering old fool who refused to see?'' He realizes that mending his ways and being more other-oriented Is far more the way to be. He changes from his penny pinching demeanor to loving others and sharing his wealth. He has now opened his heart and you can see the joy and happiness abound. Though this story is quite well known, it is worth another reading or viewing by those so inclined. Be Well.
---I’d like to share a theme that I see very often. It is the idea of going from selfish to selfless. I think that you have encountered this many times before…though it may NOT have been recognized.
---The famous book - Silas Marner has it. Old Silas was a miser who’d bury his money until LOVE came into his life in the form of a baby to care for left at his door. A Christmas Carol has the old miser Scrooge penny-pinching his way through life until he sees the error in that lifestyle.
---A baby going through the ‘’terrible two’s’’ encounters much the same. Actually, all rites-of-passage are for this - developing and transitioning into the next phase. If he goes through it properly and develops normally his life will be one of caring and sharing. If NOT a smooth journey than one may get ‘’stuck’’ and find it downright difficult to share. He doesn’t transition from the ‘’me’’ vs. ‘’you’’ to an ‘’us’’ space, easily. He gets stuck in getting his me space satisfied. He is still very self-oriented.
---The downside of this is that he never feels satisfied and never knows when he has had enough. The ‘’ideal’’ would be… ‘’me’’ vs. ‘’you’’ smoothly becoming an ‘’us’’ space. If this doesn’t happen, he is always trying to justify himself as a me. Unfortunately, one is a prime candidate for addiction - trying in vain to fill this emptiness by whatever seems to work. It is usually a ‘’feel good’’ distractor making false promises ’’to fill the void, but never does.’’ Ideally, folks go from me, me, me to us, us, us. When LOVE + KINDNESS of some sort comes into it, the transition occurs. When this doesn’t happen is when we continue the heartaches (the same-old, same-old.) .
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
---To me it begins with a solid foundation. If one was appreciated, valued, was taken seriously, and really listened to (not made to look foolish when he may naively ask a question someone thought to be mundane and revealed how much he didn’t know.) This can be a real problem and do much damage to a young mind just by someone indicating, ‘’boy, was that a stupid question.’’ His outlet for his curiosity could easily be stymied by some off-handed, mindless remark that succeeds only to thwart the child from asking future questions that help in his evolving a more definitive answer usually because someone wanted to show-off how SMART he, himself, is. There are REALLY NO dumb questions, as they say! Only comments to questions that are completely unnecessary.
---Here is where we can make a good case for DEPRIVED and DEPRAVED. He who is deprived of his needs being met will most likely act depraved in some way. His negativity, DEPRAVITY, no matter to what degree can be traced, as a rule, to how DEPRIVED the person has been in his lifetime.
---The fundamentals of life can be as easy as getting one’s needs met and can set a person on a course of fun and enjoyment. One should identify what his real needs are and set a plan in motion to get them met. The difference between someone living his life getting his needs met and someone who tries to live his life with his needs like day and night. If one doesn’t get his fundamental needs met...then he usually spends the rest of his life and time trying to get those very same needs met. Doing the things that one enjoys doing so far outweighs doing things you don’t want to do. It can make or break a lifetime. Many people can attest to this as a fact because they, basically, are doing something they are NOT fond of doing. When one is doing what he likes doing, it is a night/day different thing compared to doing what you don’t like to do.
Friday, November 6, 2020
Finding your Element by Ken Robinson / How to find your passion / Discov...
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Friday, October 16, 2020
To The NURSES and EVERYONE at Laguna Honda
---I was very self-reliant most of my life and was very able to fend for myself. The bad times were the bad times, but I seemed to survive them alright. The stroke hit me in 2002...and I had NO idea what to do. I was immediately plugged into the system and ended up at Laguna Honda.
---People have been very good to me here. I love them ALL and I really think I mean that. They have helped many times in so many ways. The song fits in, in so many ways, also. I didn't think too much about what people did who couldn't do the fundamental things that I used to take for granted. Well, I learned, in spades. They get - HELP!
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Sunday, October 4, 2020
Monday, September 14, 2020
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
Friday, August 28, 2020
Monday, August 24, 2020
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Saturday, July 11, 2020
Sunday, April 19, 2020
Sunday, April 12, 2020
Thursday, April 9, 2020
'Thank U Frontline' by Chris Mann (Alanis Morissette)
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Monday, March 30, 2020
Why former U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy believes loneliness is a 'p...
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Friday, February 28, 2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
---It seems that we have now become ready for the next step in our evolution. We are accustomed to the fact that the body does better with exercise. Now, the brain seems to be next. Through, neuroplasticity, we now understand that the brain does better with exercise. Exercise has worked on the body and now we see that a series of exercises have been developed that improves our thinking. Just as the doctor said ‘’use them or lose them’’ when discussing my legs, the same term applies to the brain and its’ parts. Use them or lose them. There is a quote by Stephen Hawking that seems to fit here, ‘’Don’t be disabled spiritually as well as physically.’’
---We can definitely do things that help improve our minds. At one time we were told that we have what we have and through some kind of draw we were stuck being the way we were born. Now, science is telling us that that is not true. We don’t have to be a 97 lb weakling, mentally or physically, unless that is what we want. Realistically, I’m sure there are some limits on the possibilities, but according to science, we are NOT as stuck as we once thought. Be Well.
Friday, February 21, 2020
---At those times it can feel like you were kicked in the pit of the stomach…and you can’t see anyway out. It is very difficult to do anything else. This consumes, basically, every bit of attention you can muster. You spend a lot of time on different ways that you should have handled things. You spend much time living in the ‘if…only’s.’
---This is important to remember at those times. You WILL feel better, even, though, you CAN’T see it. It doesn’t seem like you will ever pullout of this one. As many of us know…that this won’t last forever. When you get back into the flow of things, everything will be better…EVENTUALLY!
---I’d like to say here that many of us are in that boat (staff and resident, alike,) we just aren’t aware of that fact. We have this thing called our potential, and if you are like many of us, you aren’t quite living up to it. You are unrequited in that sense. So, then you will probably say, if I don’t know what that is, it can’t hurt ME.
---I think there is a restless part of ourselves that is well aware of how we’re doing in terms of our capabilities. As the old saying goes…you CAN’T fool mother nature. If you are fulfilling what your purpose is and doing what is on target for you, that is reflected in how you feel about what you’re doing. The questions that arise are not ‘what should I be doing?’ but, more like, ‘I wonder if this is the BEST way to do what I’m doing?’ You'll be fine tuning and tweaking INSTEAD of being stuck on the major questions all-the-time.
---That is why I see self-acceptance to be so important. If everything that you do has the feel of I don’t feel I’m good enough to do it, everything that you do will reflect that. You will be asking that question ad nauseam - am I doing what I’m suppose to be doing? OR, better yet…am I suppose to be who I am? And you will probably find yourself drinking and drugging more than you should.
---With self-acceptance…that question will have already been answered. The doubt that you will labor under without self-acceptance will negatively affect the quality of ALL you produce. True self-acceptance will make things right. When you truly love the self, and where the self feels truly acceptable, you will find that this connection brings the satisfaction that you have been seeking all along. You will find you have, FINALLY, arrived HOME! Be Well.