Wednesday, December 6, 2017



---This goes to ALL nurses, volunteers or just anyone in general who works as a CARE PARTNER in any sense. On the other-side...the song - HELP! The BEATLEs - goes to all who have learned (sometimes the hard way) that they may have to eventually ''bite-that-bullet'' and allow themselves to be HELPED.

---I still don't think that we have maximized on this dynamic the best way that we can. Everyone that needs help doesn't necessarily ''fit'' with everyone who wants to give HELP. And...of course, the opposite is true.

---In the course of my writing one should see that I really believe that it behooves both sides to find a partner they can relate to. As being on the patient's side for such a longtime...I will work on what I see the relationship should be instead of what I perceive it to be often.

---It keeps me awake some nights to find an answer we can all live with. I honestly don't feel that it will take much TWEAKING...but, we all must pull together to make it happen.

---Over the years I have found that a simple turn in the relationship is that both sides BE KIND to one another. If people act kindly to each other many things that seem so impossible would simply NOT BE.
Being KIND would work wonders. Be Well!

(There does exist a liability issue at times. If any question exists...ASK your supervisor. He/she will clear this up.)

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